CDG59 (Lille Cedex, France CSTMR№183154): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +33 359568808
Country: France
Town: Lille Cedex
Address: CDG59
14 rue Jeanne Maillotte
Lille Cedex
Point(s) de contact: 59013
Téléphone: +33 359568808
Courriel: [email protected]
Fax: +33 359568891
Code NUTS: FR3
Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse principale:
Adresse du profil d’acheteur:

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08 aug
Software maintenance and repair services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: cdg59
Source: CDG59

Number: 88797979

Country: France

Source: TED

22 feb
Insurance services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: cdg59
Source: CDG59

Number: 78409132

Country: France

Source: TED

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Number: 183148

Country: Germany

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Number: 183149

Country: Germany

Source: TED

Number: 183150

Country: Germany

Source: TED

Number: 183152

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 183153

Country: France

Source: TED